Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

Please read these terms of use carefully before using this Site and our products or services. By using or accessing this Site or affiliated hyper sites, and the products, and services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms of use, including the privacy and disclosure policy on the site, and any additional terms or future modifications as described below. If you do not agree with these terms of use, then please do not access, or use this website, affiliated hyper sites, products, or services. 

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

 You can find a copy of our Terms & Conditions of Use Policy & Procedure which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. (“GO”, “we,'' “our”, “us”) values your privacy. As such, it is the policy of GO that personal information that you provide, such as your name, gender, postal and email address or telephone number is private and confidential. This Privacy Statement describes our personal information handling practices, including a description of the personal information that we collect, use and disclose, for what purposes, and how to obtain further information about these practices.

The website www.gotrade.world ("the Site") is operated by GO-Trade Inc. (the "Operator") contains the Privacy Policy for the Site along with other Web Sites, Hypermarket Sites, Micro-sites, Mobile Applications, Blogs, and Social Media Sites and pages and any other online services offered by GO including  but not limited to the Operator's Retail, Wholesale, Brokerage, Supply Chain, Billing and Payments, Procurement, and Management Services (collectively, the "Service")

By accessing or using the Site, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by the GO in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may choose not to provide us with personal information. However, if you make this choice, we may not be able to provide you with the application, service or information that you requested.

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

 You can find a copy of our Privacy & Disclosure Policy & Procedure which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO respects the rights of consumers to elect not to be contacted for marketing purposes.  All employees and Salespersons associated with GO-Trade Inc. abide by the provisions of the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL).  We have designated a Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) Compliance Officer to maintain and monitor our registry to adhere to applicable legislation. Should you have questions or comments you can contact us at the following:

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

 You can find a copy of our CASL Disclaimer which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO respects the right of consumers to elect not to be contacted for marketing purposes. All employees and Salespersons associated with GO shall abide by the provisions of the Telecommunications Act, and in particular, the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules (DNC Rules) and The CRTC Unsolicited Telecommunication Rules, and other applicable legislation shall supersede this policy. We have designated a Do Not Call (DNC) Compliance Officer to maintain and monitor our registry to adhere to applicable legislation. Should you have questions or comments you can contact us at the following:

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

 You can find a copy of our Do-Not-Call Registry which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. supports Web accessibility and aligns with the international World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines that ensures that people with disabilities do not face barriers online. Indeed, much work has been undertaken by GO to ensure the accessibility of Web Sites, Hypermarket Site and Web applications. However, more work is being undertaken to improve Web accessibility so that people with disabilities do not face barriers online.

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

 You can find a copy of our Web Site Accessibility Policy & Procedure which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. ("we", "us,'' "our") uses cookies and www.gotrade.world and associated hypermarket domains or E-commerce Platforms,  ("the  Sites"). By using the Sites,  you consent to the use of Web Cookies and or Web Beacons. Our Web Cookies & Beacons Policy explains what cookies and beacons are, how we use cookies and beacons, how third parties we may partner with may use cookies and or beacons on our websites, your choices regarding cookies and beacons. 

 You can find a copy of our  Web Cookies & Beacons Policy & Procedure which can ba accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. as been notified of fraudulent activities circulating in different locations, through phone calls, messages, emails, and such communications on prize, promotion, recruitment, investment, and money transfer. If you encounter such information, please contact us. We urge you to beware of phone calls and messages with claims of winning prizes from GO and asking for your bank details. We do not ask for such information from our customers. Our promotion winners are listed in our stores, official websites & social media channels, while our business transaction process is done through either our official sales and operations teams or affiliated professional agencies. We urge you to immediately report such suspicious communication to relevant authorities and government bodies. GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. reserves the right to take legal action, including criminal action, against such individuals and entities. If you receive any unauthorized, suspicious or fraudulent offers, messages, or calls, please contact us at the following: 

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

You can download and print a copy of our Anti-Fraud, Anti-Spam, Phishing Policy & Procedure which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

At To ensure Clients and Customers and best interests of the Public are being served and Go-Trade staff are in compliance with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) and the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act; GO has designated a FINTRAC Compliance Officer for GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. A current and comprehensive FINTRAC Office Policy Manual (program) and associated risk assessment, training, monitoring and reporting procedures are employed in strict compliance. Should you have questions or comments you can contact us at the following:

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

You can download and print a copy of our Proceeds of Crime & Terrorist Financing Act Policy & Procedure which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

All GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. Customers, Clients, and Staff conduct and activities on the Website in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and commonly accepted commercial practices. All Site users shall carry on dealings with third parties on the basis of fairness and good faith.  


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

At GO-Trade E-commerce Inc., we are committed to responsible management of the environmental effects and impacts of not only our business operations, but those of  our Customers and Clients. 

As such, GO has established a Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Policy to assist all Site and Platform Users in managing their environmental effects and aspects of its operations. Although participation in this program is voluntary [or essential for ISO], it is advisable to embrace as it demonstrates to customers and other stakeholders that you are committed to managing your environmental impacts in a responsible way.

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

You can download and print a copy of our Ethics & Business Practices Policy which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

At GO-Trade E-commerce Inc., we are committed to responsible management of the environmental effects and impacts of not only our business operations, but those of  our Customers and Clients. 

As such, GO has established a Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Policy to assist all Site and Platform Users in managing their environmental effects and aspects of its operations. Although participation in this program is voluntary [or essential for ISO], it is advisable to embrace as it demonstrates to customers and other stakeholders that you are committed to managing your environmental impacts in a responsible way.

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc.

You can download and print a copy of our Social Responsibility & Sustainability Policy which can be accessed here:  More Info


Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020

GO-Trade E-commerce Inc. is insured for Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance Coverage.